Topaz Healing: Our Name and Our Therapy Journey

I’ve found great comfort, ease, and healing by looking to nature’s offerings for support. One resource that has been particularly meaningful in moving me through my own trauma responses originates from the earth’s core, the most intimate part of our collective home.

In my journey, I have learned to use stones as an anchor in my relationship with nature and encouragement to be in the present. A few years ago, I made a connection with the semi-precious stone Topaz due to its sweet symbolism.

Grounded and humble, sensitive and strong.

Being reminded of these qualities served me well when I chose to move across the country two months before the start of the pandemic. During a time that was chaotic + scary in its own right (moving away from my home state for the first time was an emotional roller coaster), the complications with the pandemic essentially picked me up, shook me – then dropped me back down on planet Earth to figure out what I truly wanted. I call this period my Saturn Return’s Existential Crisis.

This life-changing experience gave room to the belief that I could successfully start my own practice in the middle of a global crisis. Topaz Healing was born out of desperation to connect with something that could help me keep both my feet on the floor.

Topaz is interesting for a multitude of reasons. It’s hard, but it cracks very easily. It’s beautiful and diverse. Topaz requires some pretty harsh environments to form before it is pushed up toward the surface over time. Topaz mirrors a similar process experienced when working with trauma and represents gentle guidance in mining our shadows.

Thank you for being in this space with me,



A Poem for Scorpio Season


October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month